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Build: 4 beds, 3 bathrooms. Total Off-Grid. Hurricane Resistant Earthship.

Catch-water, Botanical Cells for Waste Water, Solar and Wind Power, Thermal Dynamics and Passive Solar.

Join us in the Field and Learn Online with a comprehensive Lesson Plan Covering all aspects of Sustainable Design & Construction. 100% of your base tuition is tax deductible! You can also choose to increase your deductible tuition as a donation to the Pangea Scholarship Fund.

Join us for one week, two months… all seven months… a few weeks here and few weeks there…
whatever works for you. :)


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On Sale
Monthly: Florida Earthship Homestead Build
Monthly: Learn from and work with Pangea Biotecture builders on site as we build and develop a Sustainable Off-grid Earthship Homestead in Florida. (choose multiple months)
$1,000.00 $100.00
40 available
On Sale
Weekly: Florida Earthship Homestead Build
Weekly: Learn from and work with Pangea Biotecture builders on site as we build and develop a Sustainable Off-grid Earthship Homestead in Florida. (choose multiple months)
$350.00 $50.00
40 available

8 people are attending Florida Earthship Homestead

All field studies include all online courses: Primer, Permits, Structure, Heating & Cooling, Power, Water Supply and Waste Water.

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