Oklahoma Tornado Earthship Build

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Oklahoma Earthship Build

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41 remaining

Join Us in Tornado Territory

Participate and learn as we build a Tornado Resistant 2 bedroom Off-Grid Earthship (3D Printed) near Tulsa, Oklahoma. A super strong design utilizing earthship and passive house principles of sustainable off-grid living with zero fossil fuels. The roof structure is a concrete vault with earth berms to the sides.

  • Electricity: Solar power with lithium batteries.

  • Water Supply: Catch Water from rain and snow melts with a backup well.

  • Water Heating: Hybrid Heat Pump Electric Water Heater.

  • Waste Water: Contained Botanical Cells On-Site.

  • Space Heating: Passive Solar Gain with Solar radiant (mud) floor and fireplace.

  • Space Cooling: Thermal Mass Dynamics with cooling tubes and ventilation.

Five months of intensive, hands-on learning in the field, out in tornado country.
Participate in online curriculum and in the field classes.

  • Sessions: Two Weeks, One Month, Two Months, Five Months

  • Lunches provided on-site.

  • Local accommodations available with on-site camping.

Get access to all six Academy Courses. Textbooks available with online web & app resource while in the field.


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Oklahoma Earthship Build
42 available

One person is attending Oklahoma Tornado Earthship Build

All field studies include all online courses: Primer, Permits, Structure, Heating & Cooling, Power, Water Supply and Waste Water.

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