• Work boots/shoes: Closed toe shoes or boots are MANDATORY for the hands-on portion of the Field Sessions. We recommend more of a work boot or hiking boot/sneaker that can resist rough terrain and has a non-slip sole. Sandals are not permitted during the hands-on Field Session build site time.
  • Long pants: Jeans (denim) are recommended for pants (rather than modern lightweight synthetic fabric or athletic wear). Denim resists tears from sharp objects much better than synthetic fabrics and offers more protection for your skin.
  • Gloves: Please bring leather gloves AND a pair of rubber gloves for wet work. The less expensive leather gloves offer the best protection for your hands. They also make working with sharp objects much easier. We suggest avoiding more refined leather, as well as any “hi-tech” looking or synthetic fabric gloves because they can be ineffective. Rubber gloves are for cobb, plaster, and/or cement application should also be thick and strong. These gloves are sometimes labeled as “chemical resistant” vice dish washing gloves which could tear while plastering and are not recommended.
  • For sun protection, bring hat, bandana, sunscreen, and lip balm.
  • Long sleeve shirts: breathable material is helpful, as is a shirt with a collar for various amounts of sun/wind protection. Many of our Field Sessions are located in the high desert of New Mexico, so we can have great fluctuations in weather. During the winter months, it can be as cold as 20 degrees F or less with snow and in the summer months, we can have temperatures of 90 degrees F or more. No matter what time of the year, there is generally quite a significant drop in temperature by nightfall. Additionally, be aware that it is also quite windy in the high desert/mountains. Hence, bring layered clothing to address these weather fluctuations.
  • Refillable water bottle, energy snacks, and drinks (water is available on site). We have some stores nearby, so you can purchase these items upon arrival, if needed.
  • Notepad: Please bring a notepad.
  • Internet: Wifi is available on building sites if you need to connect a device.