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Profile photo of vanessagray

vanessagray posted an update 2 months ago

Profile photo of willowlliam

Will completed the step “Complete Off-Grid Primer Course” of the final Primer Final 3 months ago

Profile photo of willowlliam

Will earned the final Primer Final 3 months ago

Profile photo of willowlliam

Will completed the step “Complete Off-Grid Primer Course” of the course Complete Primer Course 3 months ago

Upcoming Events


Electricity Belts

Pangea Academy electricity red Badge

Black Belt Electricity

field sessions: lead under duress, full build cause/extreme (x1), full build (paid) (x2)

Pangea Academy electricity black Badge

Red Belt Electricity

field sessions: lead with supervision, full build (x1)

Pangea Academy electricity brown Badge

Brown Belt Electricity

field sessions: participate, full build (x2)

Pangea Academy Sustainable Offgrid Earthship

Beginner Electricity

the beginning of the journey

People who have reached this:

  • Profile photo of mugglemom76
  • Profile photo of manuela-d
  • Profile photo of sterlingssgfo-com
  • Profile photo of michael-angelo
  • Profile photo of wileya
  • Profile photo of vanessagray
  • Profile photo of river
  • Profile photo of elsawessel014
  • Profile photo of mikelurrozgmail-com
  • Profile photo of willowlliam
  • Profile photo of ronim
  • Profile photo of a-s-h-learning
  • Profile photo of klaudiavjw
  • Profile photo of doylecrouse071
  • Profile photo of grettaa226728
  • Profile photo of kalo-butler
  • Profile photo of chelleysherman
  • Profile photo of playmusic22
  • Profile photo of inkyshadows
  • Profile photo of wheels
  • Profile photo of mdartez
  • Profile photo of loveofthai
  • Profile photo of skewmorph
  • Profile photo of skip-digger
  • Profile photo of almar01
  • Profile photo of chunky-monkey
  • Profile photo of sammeadows3677
  • Profile photo of chad
  • Profile photo of francheska
  • Profile photo of mallika-silva
  • Profile photo of codyleyh4h
  • Profile photo of ravensky
  • Profile photo of alex-coundou
  • Profile photo of jonahr72
  • Profile photo of almost-vanessa
  • Profile photo of jonah-singularity
  • Profile photo of johnqpublic1
  • Profile photo of johnbuhmeyer
  • Profile photo of valerielsimone
  • Profile photo of pangeaacademy

Food Belts

Pangea Academy Sustainable Offgrid Earthship

Beginner Food

  1. quizzes with passing grade @ 1/4 through (points only)
    • - can retake (unlimited) (random questions)
  2. advance to rest of lessons as quiz is passed every 1/4.
  3. mid-term test with passing grade (½ badge and points)  (random questions)
    • advance to rest of lessons
  4. final test with passing grade 
    • (complete badge) (random questions) (points)

People who have reached this:

  • Profile photo of mugglemom76
  • Profile photo of manuela-d
  • Profile photo of sterlingssgfo-com
  • Profile photo of michael-angelo
  • Profile photo of wileya
  • Profile photo of vanessagray
  • Profile photo of river
  • Profile photo of elsawessel014
  • Profile photo of mikelurrozgmail-com
  • Profile photo of willowlliam
  • Profile photo of ronim
  • Profile photo of a-s-h-learning
  • Profile photo of klaudiavjw
  • Profile photo of doylecrouse071
  • Profile photo of grettaa226728
  • Profile photo of kalo-butler
  • Profile photo of chelleysherman
  • Profile photo of playmusic22
  • Profile photo of inkyshadows
  • Profile photo of wheels
  • Profile photo of mdartez
  • Profile photo of loveofthai
  • Profile photo of skewmorph
  • Profile photo of skip-digger
  • Profile photo of almar01
  • Profile photo of chunky-monkey
  • Profile photo of sammeadows3677
  • Profile photo of chad
  • Profile photo of francheska
  • Profile photo of mallika-silva
  • Profile photo of codyleyh4h
  • Profile photo of ravensky
  • Profile photo of alex-coundou
  • Profile photo of jonahr72
  • Profile photo of almost-vanessa
  • Profile photo of jonah-singularity
  • Profile photo of johnqpublic1
  • Profile photo of johnbuhmeyer
  • Profile photo of valerielsimone
  • Profile photo of pangeaacademy

Heating & Cooling Belts

Pangea Academy Heating & Cooling Red Badge

Black Belt Heating & Cooling

field sessions: lead under duress, full build cause/extreme (x1), full build (paid) (x2)

Pangea Academy Heating & Cooling Black Badge

Red Belt Heating & Cooling

field sessions: lead with supervision, full build (x1)

Pangea Academy Heating & Cooling brown Badge

Brown Belt Heating & Cooling

field sessions: participate, full build (x2)

Pangea Academy Sustainable Offgrid Earthship

Beginner Heating & Cooling

the beginning of the journey

People who have reached this:

  • Profile photo of mugglemom76
  • Profile photo of manuela-d
  • Profile photo of sterlingssgfo-com
  • Profile photo of michael-angelo
  • Profile photo of wileya
  • Profile photo of vanessagray
  • Profile photo of river
  • Profile photo of elsawessel014
  • Profile photo of mikelurrozgmail-com
  • Profile photo of willowlliam
  • Profile photo of ronim
  • Profile photo of a-s-h-learning
  • Profile photo of klaudiavjw
  • Profile photo of doylecrouse071
  • Profile photo of grettaa226728
  • Profile photo of kalo-butler
  • Profile photo of chelleysherman
  • Profile photo of playmusic22
  • Profile photo of inkyshadows
  • Profile photo of wheels
  • Profile photo of mdartez
  • Profile photo of loveofthai
  • Profile photo of skewmorph
  • Profile photo of skip-digger
  • Profile photo of almar01
  • Profile photo of chunky-monkey
  • Profile photo of sammeadows3677
  • Profile photo of chad
  • Profile photo of francheska
  • Profile photo of mallika-silva
  • Profile photo of codyleyh4h
  • Profile photo of ravensky
  • Profile photo of alex-coundou
  • Profile photo of jonahr72
  • Profile photo of almost-vanessa
  • Profile photo of jonah-singularity
  • Profile photo of johnqpublic1
  • Profile photo of johnbuhmeyer
  • Profile photo of valerielsimone
  • Profile photo of pangeaacademy

Primer Belts

Pangea Academy Water White Badge

Primer White Belt

  • Pass primer final test = complete but empty hexagon.
  • Then eligible to do any other course

People who have reached this:

  • Profile photo of willowlliam
  • Profile photo of mdartez
  • Profile photo of almar01
  • Profile photo of jonahr72
Pangea Academy Sustainable Offgrid Earthship

Beginner Off-Grid Primer

ready to begin the journey

People who have reached this:

  • Profile photo of mugglemom76
  • Profile photo of manuela-d
  • Profile photo of sterlingssgfo-com
  • Profile photo of michael-angelo
  • Profile photo of wileya
  • Profile photo of vanessagray
  • Profile photo of river
  • Profile photo of elsawessel014
  • Profile photo of mikelurrozgmail-com
  • Profile photo of ronim
  • Profile photo of a-s-h-learning
  • Profile photo of klaudiavjw
  • Profile photo of doylecrouse071
  • Profile photo of grettaa226728
  • Profile photo of kalo-butler
  • Profile photo of chelleysherman
  • Profile photo of playmusic22
  • Profile photo of inkyshadows
  • Profile photo of wheels
  • Profile photo of loveofthai
  • Profile photo of skewmorph
  • Profile photo of skip-digger
  • Profile photo of chunky-monkey
  • Profile photo of sammeadows3677
  • Profile photo of chad
  • Profile photo of francheska
  • Profile photo of mallika-silva
  • Profile photo of codyleyh4h
  • Profile photo of ravensky
  • Profile photo of alex-coundou
  • Profile photo of almost-vanessa
  • Profile photo of jonah-singularity
  • Profile photo of johnqpublic1
  • Profile photo of johnbuhmeyer
  • Profile photo of valerielsimone
  • Profile photo of pangeaacademy

Structure Belts

Pangea Academy structure red Badge

Black Belt Structure

field sessions: lead under duress, full build cause/extreme (x1), full build (paid) (x2)

Pangea Academy structure black Badge

Red Belt Structure

field sessions: lead with supervision, full build (x1)

Pangea Academy structure brown Badge

Brown Belt Structure

field sessions: participate, full build (x2)

Pangea Academy Sustainable Offgrid Earthship

Beginner Structure

the beginning of the journey.

People who have reached this:

  • Profile photo of mugglemom76
  • Profile photo of manuela-d
  • Profile photo of sterlingssgfo-com
  • Profile photo of michael-angelo
  • Profile photo of wileya
  • Profile photo of vanessagray
  • Profile photo of river
  • Profile photo of elsawessel014
  • Profile photo of mikelurrozgmail-com
  • Profile photo of willowlliam
  • Profile photo of ronim
  • Profile photo of a-s-h-learning
  • Profile photo of klaudiavjw
  • Profile photo of doylecrouse071
  • Profile photo of grettaa226728
  • Profile photo of kalo-butler
  • Profile photo of chelleysherman
  • Profile photo of playmusic22
  • Profile photo of inkyshadows
  • Profile photo of wheels
  • Profile photo of mdartez
  • Profile photo of loveofthai
  • Profile photo of skewmorph
  • Profile photo of skip-digger
  • Profile photo of almar01
  • Profile photo of chunky-monkey
  • Profile photo of sammeadows3677
  • Profile photo of chad
  • Profile photo of francheska
  • Profile photo of mallika-silva
  • Profile photo of codyleyh4h
  • Profile photo of ravensky
  • Profile photo of alex-coundou
  • Profile photo of jonahr72
  • Profile photo of almost-vanessa
  • Profile photo of jonah-singularity
  • Profile photo of johnqpublic1
  • Profile photo of johnbuhmeyer
  • Profile photo of valerielsimone
  • Profile photo of pangeaacademy

Water Belts

Pangea Academy Water Red Badge

Black Belt Water

field sessions: lead under duress, full build cause/extreme (x1), full build (paid) (x2)

Pangea Academy Water Black Badge

Red Belt Water

field sessions: lead with supervision, full build (x1)

Pangea Academy Water Brown Badge

Brown Belt Water

field sessions: participate, full build (x2)

1 Requirement

  • 1 time
Pangea Academy Sustainable Offgrid Earthship

Beginner Water

the beginning of the journey.

People who have reached this:

  • Profile photo of mugglemom76
  • Profile photo of manuela-d
  • Profile photo of sterlingssgfo-com
  • Profile photo of michael-angelo
  • Profile photo of wileya
  • Profile photo of vanessagray
  • Profile photo of river
  • Profile photo of elsawessel014
  • Profile photo of mikelurrozgmail-com
  • Profile photo of willowlliam
  • Profile photo of ronim
  • Profile photo of a-s-h-learning
  • Profile photo of klaudiavjw
  • Profile photo of doylecrouse071
  • Profile photo of grettaa226728
  • Profile photo of kalo-butler
  • Profile photo of chelleysherman
  • Profile photo of playmusic22
  • Profile photo of inkyshadows
  • Profile photo of wheels
  • Profile photo of mdartez
  • Profile photo of loveofthai
  • Profile photo of skewmorph
  • Profile photo of skip-digger
  • Profile photo of almar01
  • Profile photo of chunky-monkey
  • Profile photo of sammeadows3677
  • Profile photo of chad
  • Profile photo of francheska
  • Profile photo of mallika-silva
  • Profile photo of codyleyh4h
  • Profile photo of ravensky
  • Profile photo of alex-coundou
  • Profile photo of almost-vanessa
  • Profile photo of jonah-singularity
  • Profile photo of johnqpublic1
  • Profile photo of johnbuhmeyer
  • Profile photo of valerielsimone
  • Profile photo of pangeaacademy
